Held og lykke til alle afgangselever fra Danselinjen

Europas bacheloruddannelser: Tag godt imod vores dansere

Hos Danselinjen har vi ofte elever, der vælger at søge videre på en professionel danseuddannelse, efter de har danset 3 år hos os. Nogle gange vælger danserne også en anden vej end dansen, og her har de også vores fulde opbakning. Vi er lige så stolte af dem, der skal på sabbatår, arbejde fuldtid, læse videre på universitet eller ud at rejse.

I år valgte 7 dansere at søge bacheloruddannelse og fortsætter deres rejse indenfor dansens verden.

Vi er imponeret over de unge danseres store vedholdenhed, nysgerrighed og hard-core engagement. Deres mod til at rejse ud i verden og møde andre unge og nye undervisere til auditions, vise hvad de kan og stille sig selv i en sårbar vurderingssituation.
Vi vil også gerne sige en stor tak til vores faste balletundervisere Caroline Petter og Theresa Jarvis, samt alle vores dygtige gæstelærere, som har været med til at inspirere og undervise de unge dansere.
Stort tillykke til alle vores afgangselever med deres flotte præstationer!
Vi ønsker jer alle rigtig meget held og lykke, og håber I vil komme og besøge os i fremtiden.
– Lene Bonde, leder af Danselinjen


Anton S. Thomsen - @antonsthomsen - blev optaget på 5 bacheloruddannelser i contemporary dans:

@khio / @khio_dans i Norge
@unistavanger i Norge
@P.A.R.T.S i Belgien
@royalconservatoireantwerp i Belgien
@kunsthogeschool i Holland

Lene Bonde, leder af Danselinjen, skriver:
Anton is a beautiful creative dancer, who is always curious and attentive in his dancing. Anton is constantly up to something, a new project, a new film, a new performance - his drive is impressive!

We are so proud of you, Anton - and wish you the best of luck in Oslo at @khio.

Emilija Rudzite - @emilijarudzite - blev optaget på @khio Oslo National Academy of Fine Arts and @unistavanger i Norge.

Lene Bonde, leder af Danselinjen, skriver:
Emilija works hard every single day in the studio with passion and determination. She is one of a kind on the dancefloor.
Emilija has also choreographed a beautiful and strong piece for our YES/NO/MAYBE performance.

It has been a huge pleasure having you at @dtadans . We are so proud of you Emilija and we wish you the best of luck in Norway at @khio_dans. 

Oliver Vilhelmsen - @olivervilhelmsen - blev optaget på
@khio / @khio_dans i Norge, @unistavanger in Norge,
@royalconservatoireantwerp i Belgien og @kunsthogeschool i Holland.

Lene Bonde, leder af Danselinjen, skriver:
Oliver started at DTA with a background in elite handball and hiphop, and has worked intensive and singleminded every training to reach his goals. Oliver always brings extra cool isolations and grooves to the studio and never says no to a challange.

We are so proud of you, Oliver and wish you the best of luck in Belgium at @royalconsetvatoireantwerp .

Nanna Svingholm - @nanna.svingholm - blev optaget på @_cdsh_ i Tyskland, @hoyskolenfordansekunst i Norge og @hkristiania i Norge.

Lene Bonde, leder af Danselinjen, skriver:
Nanna danced at @hoptrupefterskole before she started at DTA and has had an amazing DTA journey.

She is always eager to improve and comes to class lifting the room with a warm and positive energy. Nanna is a beautiful dancer and always challenges herself with new projects and goals. We will miss Nannas strong initiative and beautiful presence!

We are so proud of you, Nanna and wish you the best of luck in Norway at @hkristiania.

Clara Gudum - @clara.gudum - blev optaget på @iwanson_international i Tyskland og @unistavanger i Norge.

Lene Bonde, leder af Danselinjen, skriver:
Clara danced at @vibyefterskole before she started at DTA and moved to Holstebro from Sjælland.

Clara always comes to class continuously eager to improve and learn more. She brings great power and her unique positive energy to the group.

Clara has developed her own beautiful and characteristic movements during the three years and it is always a pleasure to watch her dance.

Thank you for three amazing years at DTA @clara.gudum.
We are so proud of you and wish you the best of luck in the future.

Sille Jensby - @sillejensby - blev optaget på @khio / @khio_dans Oslo National Academy of Fine Arts.

Lene Bonde, leder af Danselinjen, skriver:
Sille danced at @balletskolenholstebro before she started at DTA and is now moving to Oslo.

Sille is an extraordinary young dancer with a strong technique, dynamic way of moving and a bad-ass grounding.

Sille has worked very hard and single-minded towards improving every day and she always brings that extra something to the movements and choreography.

Thank you for some amazing years at DTA @sillejensby. We will miss you!

We are so proud of you and wish you the best of luck in Olso at @khio_dans.

Maya Pretzmann - @mayapretzmann - blev optaget på @unistavanger i Norge og Stockholms University Of The Arts @stockholmskonstnarligahogskola i Sverige.

Lene Bonde, leder af Danselinjen, skriver:
Maya moved to Holstebro to start at DTA from Aalborg and it has been a huge pleasure to have Maya at DTAdans.

Maya is always working hard and focused, but at the same time, she is always ready with a joke and a smile. Maya is devoted to many different aspects of dance and always eager to research.
Maya is a great performer and you always have to look out for her hard-core impro skills.

We are so proud of you Maya and we wish you the best of luck in Sweden at @stockholmskonstnarligahogskola.